Sorry blog – totally forgot about you

I got the invoice today to re-register ‘’ for another 2 years, and oops, where did those 2 years go? I know where they went – busy on the curriculum project I started in June 2016 for trades harmonization. Getting out my credit card, I wondered if perhaps I should just shut this down. There’s […]

Open Ed and ‘The Gift’

In November of 2015 I attended the very excellent 3-day Open Education Conference in Vancouver. Among the many lines of thought I encountered and learned about, I was surprised that there was a rather uniform assumption around reified knowledge as a commodity of exchange. There was a lot of talk around how to make the […]

Social Learning Leaders

I had the opportunity to participate in a 4-day workshop led by Etienne and Bev Wenger-Trayner on being a social learning leader in growing and developing communities of practice and networks: BETreat “State of the Art” October 7-10, 2014. Sharing the Message from BETreat 2014 Penticton: Our Key Learning: We thought a lot about […]

Overview & Critiques of Design-based Research

from Terry Anderson and Julie Shattuck in Educational Researcher They chart the cycle of design-based research methodology to date, from initial articulation, to proselytizing, to, most recently, practice. DBR always involve a learning intervention as part of its methodology and most involve multiple iterations of assess/design/develop/deliver/evaluate. …Unlike quantitative studies, most DBR studies do not produce […]