Developing learning materials for print publishing

I have had the opportunity over the last two years to work on a print-based student materials project. It was quite a change from working on online and digital learning materials.

The demands of the creating materials for print make the project feel like the stakes are higher, because once the files go to the printers, no more changes can be made. And if there are errors that require changes (so inevitable with 1200+ pages in each series), we just have to accept them since making changes requires another re-tooling and re-launching of the entire production. So the stakes are real; getting it right is important; process and versioning is critical.

Last year, at the end of the first year, I was asked to write a report about the experiences and to make recommendations. After a year, there is no indication that any of my recommendations will be considered; however, I share the report here because it helps me track my thoughts.

Post-Pilot Report: Revising and Resequencing EAP Level 1 and Level 2 Learning Guides Project